
Get started with the modelix examples.

Default Repository

If you run Modelix and point your browser to http://localhost:33333/ you will see a list of all modules in the current MPS repo (not in the model server database). You can then click through to a particular node, for example

  • module de.itemis.mps.editor.collapsible
  • model de.itemis.mps.editor.collapsible.structure
  • node CellModel_Collapsible
  • the ultimate URL is http://localhost:33333/nodeAsHtml?nodeRef=MOcBcjpiY2EzOTkzYS0yZGM0LTQ0NDktYTY1NC1jOWYyZmE4NmRjOWMoZGUuaXRlbWlzLm1wcy5lZGl0b3IuY29sbGFwc2libGUuc3RydWN0dXJlKS80NzY3NjE1NDM1ODA3NzM3MzUw

You will then see the SVG-based editor that “transfers” the MPS default editor to the browser. This is the current default behavior or modelix if you do not define a custom editor. It is readonly, because the model is readonly in MPS. If you navigate to a node that is “in the project”, such as org.modelix.model.runtimelang/org.modelix.model.runtimelang.structure/UsedModule, you will be able to edit the code in the SVG-based editor. If you navigate to the same node in MPS natively you will see the change you made in the browser.


Entities Sample

This sample showcases the situation where you define a custom editor for your language.

  • open the org.modelix project in the mps folder of the repo to make sure the web server runs
  • and also start the database and the model server (see Running Modelix)
  • open the project in the samples/entities folder in a second MPS window
  • point your browser here: http://localhost:33333/entities
  • click on one of the entities to see the custom textual editor for all entity nodes in your MPS workspace

Hello Entities

Entities example

Last modified January 15, 2021: initial commit (1a347f8)