Modelix Platform Release 24.1

Version 24.1 of the modelix platform is out now! The platform is now independent of the MPS version and works with all supported MPS versions. Simply use org.modelix:platform:24.1.0 in your build scripts.

The versions bundled in this release are:

modelixCoreVersion = 7.3.0
incrementalVersion = 0.2.0
buildToolsVersion = 1.5.0
mpsPluginsVersion = 0.7.1

A more detailed list of the components is available here.

If you want to know how to use this platform in your Gradle build, check out the corresponding usage documentation.

Feature Highlights

Support for newer MPS Versions

Modelix components are now compatible with MPS 2021.1 - 2023.2. To reduce the required maintenance effort, we decided to drop support for MPS 2020.3. While some use cases might still work with 2020.3, we highly recommend using a more recent MPS version.

Stabilization of the Bulk Model Synchronization Plugin

The bulk-model-sync Gradle plugin allows the bulk synchronization of models between MPS and a model-server. The plugin is now stable. However, we will continue to improve its performance in the future.

Experimental Features

MPS Sync Plugin (experimental)

A new Kotlin-based MPS Sync Plugin is in the making, which will allow you to bind local MPS repositories to remote model-server repositories. You will be able to seamlessly exchange model data between MPS and the model-server in an interactive fashion. Changes performed on one side will be automatically synchronized to the other side. For non-interactive workflows like CI tasks use the bulk-model-sync Gradle plugin.

New Adapter for the LionWeb Bulk API (experimental)

If you are interested in the integration of other modeling technologies than MPS then check out the LionWeb initiative (short for Language Interfaces on the web). The modelix team co-authored and is involved with LionWeb.

A first version of the lionweb-modelix-adapter has been made available on the LionWeb GitHub. It allows using the model-server with the LionWeb Bulk API, but comes with limitations detailed in the README. We recommend using the modelix model-api to make use of advanced model-server features such as real-time collaboration.

What’s next

Keep an eye on our new Modelix LinkedIn Page, where we are regularly sharing Modelix-related content including additional development insights.