First release of the new modelix platform 23.1
We are very happy to announce the first release of the modelix platform: modelix-23.1
With many modelix components being in various development stages - from stable to early and conceptual - they are released individually for each repository. To make it easier for developers we now release a dedicated modelix platform twice a year unifying everything under a single version. This platform aggregates compatible modelix component versions. We aim to provide a Spring release and an Autumn release. All development in-between is carried out as patches on the releases if necessary. This release cycle starts from 2023 with the first release on the MPS Community meetup in May.
The versions that are bundled in this first release are:
modelixCoreVersion = 2.4.0
incrementalVersion = 0.1.4
buildToolsVersion = 1.0.11
modelixMPSPatchVersion = 145
If you want to know how to use this platform in your Gradle build, check out the corresponding Documentation.
The platform is published to the itemis Nexus as well as to GitHub Packages.
If you have any questions feel free to reach out via the #modelix channel in the MPS Slack or via mail.